Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Students of Ki and their Mentor

Several learned students asked their mentor: "Sir, can you please explain to us in an easy understandable way, neither too metaphysical nor spiritual because our minds do not have the necessary training but we have the interest and would like to really know what is Ki."
Because there is too much mystery involved and too many definitions that do not clearly define. It is true that this is a profound topic and besides we do not want to understand it one hundred percent but at least some light that can free us of the confusion."
They spoke in that way to their mentor, who replied: "The understanding of Ki comes of two forces that are in contradiction: Calm and Movement. Nevertheless, this contradiction is only apparent. Since a serene mind may have a strong, really powerful, agile and dynamic body. But this does not happen by chance but by having lived with order and the consequence of that order is balance and as such, the opposites have been able to balance. It is a natural fact that many variables exist in the thought of the reason and also in the expression of the body. For a better understanding.

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